Dripless ETS2000 Pro Composite Caulking Gun
Dripless ETS2000 Pro Composite Caulking Gun
JMP Wood Brooklyn
760 E 96th St
Brooklyn NY 11236
United States
JMP Wood Linden
621 Commerce Road
Linden NJ 07036
United States
The ETS 2000 is 40% lighter than metal models with similar features. That, along with the ergonomic trigger reduces hand fatigue and makes your caulking job a snap. It's the painters favorite caulking tool. The cutter is built into the handle of the trigger - just insert the tip of the caulking cartridge and pull the trigger. Couldn't be easier!
- For 10 oz cartridges or tubes
- Rugged composite construction
- Engineered ergonomic grip
- Reduces stress in hand and arm
- Rotating barrel
- Sharp precision cutter
- Extra long clean-out
- EZ clean surface