Freud Cabinetmaker’s Crosscutting Saw Blades
Freud Cabinetmaker’s Crosscutting Saw Blades
(LU73M014) 14" x 84T Cabinetmaker’s Crosscut Blade
JMP Wood Brooklyn
760 E 96th St
Brooklyn NY 11236
United States
JMP Wood Linden
621 Commerce Road
Linden NJ 07036
United States
This heavy-duty crosscut blade is designed primarily for heavy use in a cabinetmaker’s shop. Combining a 10° hook angle and the alternate top bevel tooth grind, this blade provides a good crosscut and long cutting life in hardwood, softwood, plywood, and chipboard. The LU73M series is ideal for cutting a wide variety of materials most commonly used by cabinet makers in thicknesses from 1/2" to 2- 3/4" thick.