Freud Fine Finish Crosscutting (Thin Kerf) Saw Blades
Freud Fine Finish Crosscutting (Thin Kerf) Saw Blades
(LU88R008) 8" x 48T Thin Kerf Fine Finish Crosscut Blade
JMP Wood Brooklyn
760 E 96th St
Brooklyn NY 11236
United States
JMP Wood Linden
621 Commerce Road
Linden NJ 07036
United States
This Perma-SHIELD™ coated blade gives new life to underpowered saws and produces smooth crosscuts in hardwoods, softwoods and moldings. Coated blades pull 1/3 less on the saw, which translates into 33% more cutting power. Thin kerf blades remove less material than standard carbide blades, thus requiring less horsepower to produce equally good results.