Ram Board Contractor-Grade Adhesive Seam Tape
Ram Board Contractor-Grade Adhesive Seam Tape
JMP Wood Brooklyn
760 E 96th St
Brooklyn NY 11236
United States
JMP Wood Linden
621 Commerce Road
Linden NJ 07036
United States
Ram Board Seam Tape is an aggressive, high-tack adhesive seam sealing tape designed to seam Ram Board® surface protection together. This contractor grade tape is heavy-duty and blocks out liquid, dust and debris, giving you the ultimate protection for finished floors during your home renovation or construction project. The 3” adhesive tape is wide enough to easily cover Ram Board seams and the kraft paper backing makes easy tears for quick installation and durable finish.
To use, peel back the edge of the tape and start unrolling. Press the adhesive side of the brown tape down and continue to unroll. Apply pressure to smooth the tape down and secure.